Coach Development
Coach Development
Community coaches are critical to the delivery of our game and Canterbury Hockey aim to provide all coaches with a connection to appropriate resource and development opportunities. The below picture provides an overview of what education, resources and extension opportunities are available for coaches coaching in each Canterbury Hockey grade.
Please note, the above is not a 'coaching pathway' as we recognize that a majority of our coaches will coach in a range of different grades throughout their coaching journey. The core education and resources refer to the most relevant content and development for coaches working in each of the aligned grades, and the extension opportunities serve as additional/ extra development. These education, resource and extension opportunities are offered in three ways.
The first is online via coaching resources and courses which can be accessed through via Hockey New Zealand's online learning portal and Canterbury Hockey Online Resources Webpage.
To access the Hockey New Zealand portal, please CLICK HERE and for our online resources webpage, please CLICK HERE
The second is through participating in one of the following core coach education workshops, which align to Hockey New Zealand’s Community Coaching Programme.
- Canterbury Hockey Small Sticks Workshop
- Hockey New Zealand Coaching of Introductory Players Programme
- Hockey New Zealand Coaching of Foundation Players Programme.
These workshops will be presented at various venues and times during the lead up to and throughout the season. All workshops are focused on guiding coaches through the fundamental coaching skills required at each level and will look slightly different depending on the group’s knowledge/experience, interests, and requests.
The third relates to the extension opportunities which are delivered through various workshops, forums, one on one mentoring and involvement in Canterbury Hockey player development or representative programmes.
Coaching Resources
For a range of coaching resources please head to our Coaching Resources - CLICK HERE.
For more information or questions about Canterbury Hockey's coaching development courses and opportunities, please contact Sunjay Ganda -